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Betrayal: The Unforgiven Page 10
Betrayal: The Unforgiven Read online
Page 10
Jack rolled his eyes, a little disgusted for feeling the slightest bit of...something for her. Remorse, maybe. She didn’t deserve forgiveness, and yet, she was too damn charming. Hell, she was probably charming him now, making him think this way.
Anna groaned. “We need to get inside.”
Madeline grinned as she waltzed toward the statue. She led them around the angel to two large stone double doors.
Mason’s grim face flashed in Jack’s mind. The something he’d felt for Madeline dissipated as he remembered the evil this woman possessed in her dark soul. She’d forced him to do her will and he despised her for it. He would always loathe her for what she'd done, for what she'd made him do.
Madeline turned back and whispered, “I release you.”
Jack looked back. Franc stood near the rear of the hearse, hand to his temple. He shook his head then glanced around him dazed, confused, obviously unknowing how he’d gotten here.
The stone doors closed…on their own. Chills crept down Jack’s spine. He turned on his flashlight and shined it on the torch hanging on the wall.
“So, you’re a witch too.”
“Yes. Quite a powerful one before I fell ill.” Madeline lit the torch with a snap of her fingers. She pulled it from the holster and held it before her. “My ancestor was an angel from Heaven. She healed many people with her touch. Some called her a witch, but she actually wasn’t. God had sent her to wash the sins of the damned. She taught her daughters all about magic and how to hone their powers until she died at the hands of a devil."
“A devil?” Jack shuddered. “You mean the actual devil? Lucifer?”
“Not Lucifer, silly man. A devil. One of Hell’s soldiers.” Madeline stepped down into the dark, the torch held before her so she could see the steps. “He was a very bad demon who wished all angels to die.”
“So darkness could rule the earth.” Madeline glanced back at Anna who walked behind Jack. “My father’s journal holds all the answers to your questions. That, I swear.”
“You said you fell ill." When they reached the bottom of the stairs, that icy claw that held on to his neck, slid down his spine. "What do you mean by that?"
“Gerard found me in the courtyard of my father’s house one night.” She lit the torches along the walls of the torture chamber. “Though my mother warned me about creatures of the night, I had never met one before. Funny thing was that he’d never met a witch before either. We had many wonderful experiences together.” She whimpered as she lit the last torch. “I miss him so much.”
“I suppose since vampires exist, there might as well be angels and demons, and witches too.”
“Oh, and don't forget werewolves. They are very interesting creatures. Although they stink to holy hell in their true form, they are quite loveable. Human stories have them pegged all wrong. In fact—”
A short ear-piercing shriek sent goosebumps over Jack’s skin. He backed against the stone wall beside a skeleton that hung by a sharp spike. Another wooden stake lay loose between the ribs where the heart used to be. Every hair on his body stood as he gazed into Anna's red eyes. She gnashed her fangs as she leaned against the altar in the center of the room.
“Anna.” Jack swallowed his fear. “What’s wrong, honey?”
“I’m hungry.” The desperation in her voice was prominent. “I need to eat before I lose control. Just a little taste…a little taste of your blood…please…help me.”
Madeline stepped in front of him. Jack drew the stake from the skeleton and held it out before him. No way was he going to let anyone drink from him. Not even Anna.
“We are not allowed to have Jack.” Madeline held out her hand. “Come, sister. I'll lead you to the feeding grounds.”
“Wait a minute. No way. Anna isn’t going anywhere with you.” Jack stepped to the side, stake held out before him. He strode to the middle of the room, close to Anna, but far enough that she couldn’t reach him. “There has to be an animal or something around here that you can feed on.”
“No,” Anna said with a sigh. “I need to go with Madeline.”
He didn’t want to know what the feeding ground was, but he had to for Anna’s sake. “Where is this feeding ground?”
Madeline grinned. “In the west woods.”
Jack glanced down at the stake in his hand. “Then take this, Anna. Just in case.” He set the weapon on the altar then backed away. “Be wary of her. We still have no reason to trust her or anything she says.”
Anna clutched the stake tightly in her hand. “I’ll be fine.”
“Don’t worry.” Madeline grabbed Anna’s hand. “I’ll bring her back in perfect condition as soon as our bellies are full. I promise.”
In an instant they were gone. Jack drew in several deep breaths. To see nothing there when there should’ve been was astounding. Frightening. Confusing.
Okay. It’s okay. He sat on the cold stone floor and concentrated on slowing his rapidly beating heart. Thank god Madeline had stepped in at his defense. The only worry he had now was that Anna was alone with the witch. God knew what would happen if she discovered Anna’s precious secret.
Anna blinked and she wasn’t in the crypt anymore. She and Madeline were now in a camp within a dense forest. String lights lit up the walkway between two rows of tents. Folk music blared from the speakers, and there were many people enjoying the renaissance-like atmosphere.
“You don't need the stake anymore, sister.” Madeline insisted with a wave of her hand.
Anna wasn’t sure about losing the only weapon she had, but she tossed it aside anyways. Madeline had plenty of opportunity to kill her and Jack, but she’d proven that she could be trusted, for now.
They walked through the crowd. The place reminded Anna of the gathering at the beach. Instead of overfilled cups of blood, there were people, naked, and willing to give their body and blood.
“What is this place?” Anna stared at a couple sitting at a bonfire. She watched them kiss and fondle each other as they made love in a passionate way. The woman called out as her vampire mate bit into their vein and pushed her into an orgasm. The moans alone were enough to drive anyone mad with desire.
“We are at the Celebration of Flesh.” Madeline stopped near a white tent with a lantern hanging at the entrance. “It is a festival run by rogue vamps and illegal in the vampire world. The Elders have been trying for a thousand years to end these camps, but every time one gets shut down, another pops up somewhere else.”
“I’ve heard of places like these.” Anna thought of Tristan. He worked with Gerard to stop the camps in the northwest. Was this the same kind of celebration?
Madeline inspected the group of people waiting inside the tent. She waltzed to a naked male who stood near the back. When she touched his shoulder, his body trembled. She whispered something in his ear and then a grin crept across his handsome face.
The man followed Madeline to Anna’s side. “Follow me.”
Anna hesitated but had no choice as Madeline grabbed her hand and pulled her along. She led them into a smaller, empty tent.
“Hello,” Madeline said to the shivering man.
“Hel...hello,” he replied nervously.
“Is this your first time?” Madeline slid her finger along his jawline. When he nodded, she gave Anna a wink. “Then you two should get along smashingly.”
Anna cleared her throat. Though drinking from him was tempting, she couldn't allow herself to indulge. She stomped back outside and headed into the wooded area. There had to be an animal she could drink from. A raccoon or deer would suffice. She’d even fed on a rat once, but she swore to never do that again.
Madeline caught up with her at the edge of the camp, the young man on her heels. "Where are you going?"
“I can't drink from him." Anna spoke low but clear. "It’s forbidden. It’s not right.”
“Yes, it’s forbidden.” Madeline clutched the young man’s hand and placed it in Anna�
��s. “But only if they are unwilling. As you see, the people here are quite generous. They love vampires. They were made to please us.”
Anna's cheeks burned with shame. “I’ve never...taken the blood of an innocent before.”
“Innocent?” Madeline rolled her eyes and then released her fangs. “It's easy to feed on them.” She ran her fingers through the man's hair and grabbed hold of his head. She tossed it to the side exposing his neck. As she sank deep into his flesh, she moaned.
The man cried out, but his whimper soothed as she drew in his essence. His muscles relaxed. Exhilarated by the pain, his lips curved upward. As his chest rose and fell, his cock grew hard.
Madeline pulled away and flashed a wicked smile. Blood pooled on her bottom lip then dripped from her mouth. She licked her lips clean and then laughed in delight.
“Oh, Anna. He has the sweetest blood. Do you not smell it?” Madeline continued to hold the man’s head to the side. She gave a whispering moan. “Are you not hungry for him?”
Anna breathed in. Sure enough the scent was sweet. Her daggers grew and her eyes caught on fire. She felt powerful, in control as she pressed her mouth against his neck.
He trembled as she slid her tongue over the wound. Indeed his taste was delicious. He was fresh. Hot. For so long she’d missed out on this thrilling experience. As much as she wanted to play with this new sensation, she was starving.
She sank her fangs into his flesh creating a new wound to drink from. She drew him in, mouthful after mouthful. This aroused her. Immensely. She slid her arms around his naked torso and raked her fingernails across his back. His skin rose against her fingertips. Not only did she want him sexually, but she desperately yearned to kill him.
Madeline put her hand on her arm. “That’s enough.”
Anna couldn’t find the strength to pull away. She shoved her nails deep into the man’s flesh. He yelped.
“Please.” He begged, but that made the desire to murder him stronger.
“You’re killing him.” Madeline sang. “We still have rules here, an understanding that we only take what we need. No death. Only blood and sex.”
Madeline clutched Anna’s shoulders and pulled her back. Anna stumbled away from her meal and fell to the ground. As if someone kicked her hard in the stomach, she gasped for breath. Choking on the warm stickiness in her throat, she buckled over and coughed.
“You drank too much.” Madeline laughed as the man convulsed. “And you’ve killed our poor handsome companion.”
Anna knelt beside him and held his chin. “He’s having a seizure.”
“Why would you help him when you obviously want him to die?"
“I don't want him to die." Anna groaned. God, she hoped she hadn’t killed the poor guy. When his tremors stopped, she sighed in relief. She rolled him to his side then stood. “He’ll be fine, but I shouldn’t have taken his blood. It was wrong.”
“You are guilty?”
“Yes.” Anna glared. “And you should be too.”
“I’m not though. If he were to wake, he would invite us to have more.” She knelt beside him and touched the wound still fresh with blood. She licked the liquid off her fingers then smiled. “He is pale, but I believe he could withstand losing another pint.”
“Please don’t.” Anna took hold of Madeline's arm. Like lifting a feather from the ground, she pulled Madeline to her feet. Curious of this new strength, she ogled. “How did that happen?”
“Tristan has kept you weak.” Madeline sighed. “The blood you drink from a bottle is stored, aged. You cannot feel the strength of the one it was taken from. Our donor's blood was alive, fresh with endorphins. He became aroused when you fed and now you will feel rejuvenated, satisfied. Strong. If he had run away fearing for his life, your strength would have increased one-hundred fold. That is why some rogue vampires hunt. It is a feeling of ultimate power, an addiction.”
“And has an immediate death sentence if caught.”
“That is why we came here, dear sister." Madeline tossed her hand to her mouth and gasped. “I’m sorry. You look so much like her and bear her name. It’s only natural I would be confused.”
Anna shuddered. “I think it’s time we went back to Jack. He’s probably worried.”
Anna looked down at the man still lying on the ground. He stirred and moaned with a grin on his face. He grasped his cock and stroked fast as he gazed up at her.
"My love.” He groaned in pleasure. "Will you make me yours?"
Anna rolled her eyes. "Let your blood replenish before you…pass out."
He closed his eyes and lost his breath in orgasm. "Oh…Anything for you.”
Madeline laughed hysterically. “Oh my, I believe he is in love with you.”
Anna cracked a grin. She liked Madeline’s laugh. It was contagious and oddly sweet. She didn’t seem as crazy as she was before. Maybe it had something to do with her time locked up in the cell. Or the fact that she was now a vampire.
Tired of this place, Anna took off toward the edge of camp. It didn’t matter if Madeline came or not, she was ready to leave. Anna had used the too weak to fly excuse to get here, but now what could she say?
"Can you find your way back alone?” Madeline lagged behind. “I haven’t fed yet.”
Anna didn’t have time to answer as Madeline wandered off to find a new victim. It was best that she get in as much meal as she could before heading back to Jack anyways.
Anna went as far into the woods as she could and didn’t stop until she was alone. She closed her eyes and envisioned herself hovering above the ground. Tristan’s words played in her mind, telling her not to think about it, that it would happen when her body was ready.
Her heart ached for him. She missed his touch and the feel of his breath on her skin. Wherever he was now, she was sure he sensed her emotions.
A vision of him and Edith sent fire through her veins. Maybe it was best to not think of him taking comfort in the arms of another woman.
Anna opened angry eyes to find her black wings stretched to her sides. As she ascended into the sky, her stomach churned. This wasn’t the demon who’d taken over her before. She was herself and was somehow flying without effort toward the cemetery. This high above the trees was a dizzying sensation. Nausea set in as if she were on a ship struggling over rough seas.
Maybe taking a cruise ship back to the States wasn’t such a great idea after all.
At least she was heading back to the crypt. Hopefully she’d have the journal in hand by the next night. Then, she and Jack could get back to the lab and figure this out if she hadn't scared the poor man off.
As soon as the sun set on the horizon, Tristan and Gerard jumped ship. The belly of the ocean liner had been their home for the day to rest up for the long night ahead. It had been the worst day Tristan had experienced in a long time. The string of emotions Anna had gone through kept him pacing, damning the daylight as he waited for night.
She couldn’t breathe. Her hunger soared. She was angry one minute, and then sad or scared the next. Nausea swept through her as it had for the past several months, and he wished he could be there to help her through whatever her illness was.
She longed for his touch, and that sent him further into desperation to find her. He tried to connect their link so he could speak to her and let her know he was on his way, but she wouldn’t listen. Either she couldn’t hear his plea or something else was wrong.
But something was wrong. Blood stained her hands. It ran down her legs from a gaping hole in her abdomen. Her pain was so intense that she couldn’t move. Her heart ached. She was desperate to hold on to something, but whatever it was drifted far away from her reach.
It didn’t matter why she’d freed Madeline anymore. He didn’t care, as long as he found her before Javon and his group of thugs did. Even Edith, the traitor, had volunteered to go on their witch hunt. Since Elric was nowhere to be found, Javon took it upon himself to decide on punishment. Once the fugitiv
es were caught, they were to be executed by sunlight.
Tristan clenched his jaw tight. He flew over the ocean, eager to reach land before the sun rose again. I am coming, Anna. If only she’d hear him, he could warn her about the danger that was on its way.
Chapter Twelve
Entry Six: July 31st
A lot has happened in the past few weeks. I won’t go into too much detail because of limited time, but I’ll give you the rundown. Jack and I are with Madeline in search of some journal her father kept. It allegedly holds the secret to the cure for vampirism, or at least, a story on how we can find it.
And apparently, I’m a descendant of an angel. Angels had the ability to heal vampires of their demons. I have yet to discover how or if it’s even true. I guess it is to some degree because of the way I heal Tristan. What I don’t understand is why it doesn’t last. Why does my touch only affect him? No other vampires have changed with my touch, with the exception of Elric. Though, that meeting with him may have been a dream.
That’s another story that I don’t have time to explain. Right now, all that matters is that we find the journal. Hopefully, we’ll find the answers we’ve been searching for.
I sent Jack after the journal a little while ago. Madeline says it’s hidden in the National Library inside a black case. Jack is pretty resourceful and smart. It shouldn’t take him long to find and bring back to this crypt.
I very much wanted to go with him, but I’m still not feeling well. So I stay in this dreadful ancestral tomb with Madeline, sister, aunt, ancestor. Whatever. All I know is that I've made some sort of peace with her. She was there for me when I was hungry. She protected Jack. She may not be entirely in her right mind, but I’m thankful she was here to help.
Still. I will never let my guard down around her. If she were to find out the things I’m hiding, she’d show her true self. And right now, if we were to fight, I wouldn’t win.